Business Resources

As we come across articles that can help you start a business, or tune up your current business – we will post it here.

Teleflora- is the online resource for the 15,000 florists who comprise the Teleflora network as well as new florists who may be looking for support and resources to grow their business. MyTeleflora is a one-stop resource for marketing, merchandising, technology and floral education.  We are dedicated to creating sales for floral business entrepreneurs and work hand in hand with our member florists to grow their business profitably and sustainably.


SAF-  Society of American Florists-

The Society of American Florists is the association that connects and cultivates a thriving floral community for: all participants of the U.S. floral industry and offers exciting benefits for the following types of businesses:

  • Retail Florists
  • Growers
  • Wholesalers/Importers
  • Suppliers
  • Event Florists
  • Researchers



As a benefit of membership, FTD offers you access to world-renowned business and design experts through a variety of onsite and online education courses. FTD invests in these courses, and more specifically in our members, to help you improve profits and grow your local business.

Our suite of education offerings are for any size budget and were created to strengthen your business and design skills. Join us for one, or several, of our education programs this year, and learn helpful tools to grow your business.

If you have questions regarding any of the FTD education programs, please contact us at [email protected].

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